Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Inky Black Argus

The Inky Black Potion doesn't work on Argus, but if you use it before you port there (in this case with the Wormhole Generator: Argus), it will appear normal, fade to Inky Blackness, and then return to normal. I've been trying to catch a screenshot of it before it goes away but I haven't been quick enough until now.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Fevered Explorer

I wish there were better rewards for helping these Fevered Explorers, because I'm already max level on First Aid but I can't stand dropping the quest when one pops up, I feel duty-bound to help these hapless adventurers.
At least this time she doesn't have the tree growing on top of her head. I'd like to believe this is because I responded to her plea in a more timely manner, but Highmountain is quite the jaunt and therefore, I am aware that it is more than likely because the Troll sleeping animation has them lie this way instead of flat on their back in the other direction.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Turalyon has better things to do than pet battle

"Shut it, Turalyon. Snozz is going down and I don't care how long it takes." - Rocksy

Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Firelands... my new favorite place to use the Inky Black Potion. I took some S.E.L.F.I.E.s while I was there, too.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Adventures in Alchemy

I tried drinking Draught of Raw Magic and got this appearance for two minutes. All right.  Now to get the mats for Avalanche Elixir so I can have some real fun :)

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Dun..Dun...Dun...DUN DUN (ba bum ba bum ba bum..)

I don't really have any story about this, I just liked this screenshot. I used Inky Black Potion in an invasion zone, and I really liked the way it looked.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Bon Appétit!

I finally got the Family Fighter achievement on Argus.  And now, to discover the perfect wine pairing for a rare Felclaw Marsuul.  Mmmm.

Thursday, September 21, 2017




I know it's been a while since I got flying, and I've been using Rittsyn as my Warlock's bodyguard since before flying was implemented because I liked riding our matching Dreadsteeds, but I was just thinking about his flying mount and how disappointingly huge (and therefore in the way) it is.

I get that he's proud of getting the Mountacular achievement, and it matches his Green Fire and everything, but I wish he would use a more compact mount, although not the Headless Horseman's Mount, because $#*& that droprate.

I wish he could have tamed a Wrathsteed, too, like my Gnome did, but I guess he just doesn't have the Warlocking skills that she has.  Oh, well.
She's got the touch, she's got the power
When all hell's breakin' loose,
she'll be right in the eye of the storm
I just love her face here: "Oh, what, this?  Yeah, it's just a Wrathsteed I tamed, nbd."

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Really, Velen...Really?

You...the PROPHET...couldn't predict that Illidan might react this way?  You want to know who could have predicted that?  

Literally everyone but you.  

Kobolds say very few things aside from "You no take candle!" but if you asked a Kobold how he thought Illidan might react in this situation, he would say "Oh, no.  Illidan's going to lose his shit over this.  Also, you no take candle."

Sunday, September 10, 2017

The Unmarked Path: An Ode to Argus

The well-lit path led away to the west,
My objective, marked in yellow, lie east
The unmarked path seemed deserted at best
And the western trail did wind up at the quest,
Though the other seemed quicker at least;

So I turned aside from the torch post
Though it was surely the safe way to go
On the rough path I'd jump down and coast
Gliding straight to the quest point almost
So that travel would not be too slow

But my descent fell short of the distance
Jagged rocks blocked the course of my track
I began to encounter resistance
Pulling demons requiring assistance
To Dalaran I had to hearth back

So, much to my perpetual regret
When choosing the course I would take
The longer trail led questward and yet...
I chose the short path, untraveled as yet
And found I'd made a dreadful mistake. 

Monday, August 28, 2017

Transmog Adventures, the Trial Concludes

Trial of Style edition -

Elemental Shaman

My main, an Elemental Shaman, was my first character to participate in the Trial of Style and actually had the most difficult time getting a win, as she mostly placed second, but she finally got first place.  I had a difficult time with weapons for this because the Elemental artifact weapon is the Fist of Ra-den.  I have a very small number of fist weapons, and they can't be mogged over with daggers, axes, or maces, which I have in much greater number and selection.  I really feel like Blizzard should have allowed you to mog any weapon in your collection (while in the Trial of Style instance only) and/or allowed access to all unlocked tints for the artifact weapons while in the Trial of Style instance.  I was able to get around the problem by switching specs to have access to other weapons (for instance, I used Doomhammer for the Faction Pride category) but none of the Shaman specs use a staff for the artifact, so I had to get Nibelung out of my void storage and use that when I needed a staff.  I included a picture of my regular transmog, that I call my Lava Burst outfit, and I used it when I got the Freestyle category.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Continuing Adventures in Transmog

Trial of Style edition -

Frost Death Knight

This is my Death Knight.  I named her Ezrianosh, which means Heart of Ezria in Orcish...yadda, yadda.  
I had fairly good luck with plate, and although I didn't place the first time around (I think it was Freestyle?), I won my second Trial with the Winter Wear outfit.

Friday, August 25, 2017

More Adventures in Transmog

Trial of Style edition -

Fire Mage

Cloth was a lot easier for me to make outfits with, and it helped that I already had several made (Elsa, Zelda, Wonder Woman) that I was able to use to fit the themes.  Unfortunately I waited until after the Trial of Style week was over before I took pictures, so I wasn't able to change hair styles for free at the Barber Shop anymore, and some of these outfits had particular hair styles that matched the theme better.

Adventures in Transmog


Trial of Style edition -

Feral Druid

*emphatically* "I WANT to participate in the Trial of Style RIGHT NOW!"
(screenshot via the Storyline addon). 
I participated in the Trial of Style on one character of each armor type (goblin shaman for mail, blood elf mage for cloth, orc death knight for plate, and night elf druid for leather).  Despite my Druid being my oldest Warcraft character, her leather transmog collection was sadly lacking, but I actually had the best luck with her.  She won two out of the two Trials she competed in.  Here are some more of her outfits for the contest themes: