Thursday, September 21, 2017




I know it's been a while since I got flying, and I've been using Rittsyn as my Warlock's bodyguard since before flying was implemented because I liked riding our matching Dreadsteeds, but I was just thinking about his flying mount and how disappointingly huge (and therefore in the way) it is.

I get that he's proud of getting the Mountacular achievement, and it matches his Green Fire and everything, but I wish he would use a more compact mount, although not the Headless Horseman's Mount, because $#*& that droprate.

I wish he could have tamed a Wrathsteed, too, like my Gnome did, but I guess he just doesn't have the Warlocking skills that she has.  Oh, well.
She's got the touch, she's got the power
When all hell's breakin' loose,
she'll be right in the eye of the storm
I just love her face here: "Oh, what, this?  Yeah, it's just a Wrathsteed I tamed, nbd."

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Really, Velen...Really?

You...the PROPHET...couldn't predict that Illidan might react this way?  You want to know who could have predicted that?  

Literally everyone but you.  

Kobolds say very few things aside from "You no take candle!" but if you asked a Kobold how he thought Illidan might react in this situation, he would say "Oh, no.  Illidan's going to lose his shit over this.  Also, you no take candle."

Sunday, September 10, 2017

The Unmarked Path: An Ode to Argus

The well-lit path led away to the west,
My objective, marked in yellow, lie east
The unmarked path seemed deserted at best
And the western trail did wind up at the quest,
Though the other seemed quicker at least;

So I turned aside from the torch post
Though it was surely the safe way to go
On the rough path I'd jump down and coast
Gliding straight to the quest point almost
So that travel would not be too slow

But my descent fell short of the distance
Jagged rocks blocked the course of my track
I began to encounter resistance
Pulling demons requiring assistance
To Dalaran I had to hearth back

So, much to my perpetual regret
When choosing the course I would take
The longer trail led questward and yet...
I chose the short path, untraveled as yet
And found I'd made a dreadful mistake.