Monday, June 3, 2019

The Cycle of Life Can Be Cruel...

A water turtle was on our sidewalk in front of our house for quite a while recently and the next morning we found a hole with broken/torn egg shells scattered around it. When my brother heard about it he said "So, the turtles didn't make it to the water, I guess.".
While seagulls would be the obvious culprit based solely on my World of Warcraft experience (crabs are too slow and awkward) my dad says raccoons are likely responsible, which does make a lot more sense for this area.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Well, Color Me Delighted

I can see the fish head in Ghost Raptor form -albeit slightly askew- now! I did also catch the Severed Azurefin Head this time, but the red one matched the new transmog better. I like the forward-facing appearance of the fish head when the character is looking down in the "working" animation.