Sunday, May 31, 2020

Da Ba Dee Da Ba Daa

I got the Void-Touched Souvenir Totem in a chest from running a Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar. I'm a fan of any critter-related toy, and the first place I thought of to try it out was the patch of hillside in Thunder Bluff with oddly violent critters running around.

  1.  Works anywhere. So many Pandaria toys were nerfed to be usable only in Pandaria, so I was really glad that I didn't have to use this only in the Heart Chamber, or something stupid like that. I'll have to try this in Pandaria, though, so I can use the Panflute and see if the void-blue critter becomes my minion for ten minutes.
  2. Makes regular sized critters larger and combative. 
  1.  30-minute cooldown is a bummer, particularly for setting up screenshots. The cooldown wait could be mitigated by making the totem effect last longer and/or increasing the area affected, especially given the critter's pathing swath can be large and difficult to predict for totem placement. 
  2. The large violent critters in Thunder Bluff don't seem to increase in size from the totem (beyond their enraged growth, that is), as far as I can tell. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

We're off to See the Withered

Apologies. But this post just came together beautifully. How did I never come up with this before? (I'm not going back through posts to check if I did or not.) I was going to change the title to "I'm" when I realized that I always have a companion in the Broken Isles, and I just love that Rehgar's mount looks like the Cowardly Lion.
I've been avoiding the Nightfallen ever since my computer crashed and I had to reload my addons from scratch on my new one. I was just sure that even if I did happen to manage to get the flying carpet in my paragon cache, the "on your 1st try!" message from Rarity was going to make me murderously angry. With the 100% rep bonus, though, I had to try. Now I'm up to 30 (2) paragon caches with zero flying carpets, so now at least I'm back in a comfortable failure grind.