Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Why Am I Even Here?

 I was disappointed to learn that I hadn't been called to to the Argent Tournament Grounds because of my status as a jousting Champion. Yeah, I can just kill Scourge, but where's the fun in that? The rack of lances is still there, the mounts are still there, what gives?


Upon getting the Sprite Darter's Wings, I immediately logged on every character to put together a transmog. Unfortunately, the characters that I left in Legion still have their artifacts equipped, so I had to go to their order halls in order to change the artifact's appearance. Khadgar is still in Hindsight's Order Hall, "trying something new" and generally making it difficult to evaluate my outfit.

Monday, November 9, 2020

More Farming Fun


While farming the Nightborne carpet on an alt, I took a flight path from Dalaran, which puts you on a favorite flyable mount, and I was delighted to discover that unicorns had magically acquired the ability to fly in the pre-patch! Then I had to look through all the different models to see which one best matched each outfit, and discovered a beautiful blue one that I didn't have. The Pureheart Courser is a reward for 100 exalted reputations, and I was only at 65. I started going through my revered reps to bring them up to exalted, and I'm now at 69. All my revered reps will only bring me to 73 and I'll still have 27 to go, so I think this will be a long-term project, but at least it gives me something to work on. 

I'm a couple Throne of Thunder raid bosses away from exalted on Shado-Pan Assault, but this also gives me a chance to try to get the snail shell toy, and I got to meet this guy finally:

I was excited to finally meet/fight Ra-den on my elemental shaman, so that was pretty cool. I also took advantage of the Magic Broom from Hallow's End to zip around Ordon Sanctuary and get exalted with Emperor Shaohao. Then I had more than enough Timeless Coins to buy the Heavenly Golden Cloud Serpent.


My brother mentioned that reps were account-wide now, which I had somehow missed. If Rocksy had been my main all along, it wouldn't have mattered, but my Druid was my original main and has a lot of the early reps that Rocksy doesn't. They are also different factions, and the reps that are different for Horde/Alliance count as one, so I ended up having to make a spreadsheet to figure out which reps I needed on which character, and it was way more confusing than I thought it would be to figure out which one counts as what on the other side. I think I've got it pretty well figured out now, though, and I'm going to be playing my Druid a lot for a while. I'm glad I made the spreadsheet, or I would have been really confused when I got a rep to exalted and it didn't increase my count because Ezriann already had it or the equivalent one.