I really wanted to joint the Revendreth covenant for several reasons:
- Their accent makes it sound like they are calling me "Mall Walker"
- The Dredgers say things like "Can I have your teeth when you die?"
- I enjoyed a lot of the questing there so far, like the tea party with Tubbins and Gubbins, and forging the "Letter of Condemnation"
But in the end I chose the Necrolords for the Primordial Wave Shaman spell. I'm sure it will be fun, too (I'm particularly excited to try out the Abomination Factory), and I will still spend time with the Venthyr whenever I get the chance.
Questing to get to max level took me forever, so maybe that's why I seemed to enjoy the quests at the end the most, but I did like this Night Fae quest that had my character fly around doing the swimming animation while holding her breath like she was underwater:
♫Just keep swimming♫ |