Tuesday, July 27, 2021

It's Not Self-Effacing Day

Today's the day we race.

This is the song I have in my head all day every time this quest is available. From the first time I ran it, I hated this quest. Such a pain. But then I found out I couldn't buy the wheelbarrow toy until I won it ten times. I thought I could just run it ten times in a row, but once you do the world quest, you're done for the day. Then days would go by without any Racing in the Ramparts, but finally, FINALLY, I've got the toy. Now for that damned parasol.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021


 That's what I would rename my new Sapphire Skyblazer mount, if I could rename mounts. I love its mount special animation, and the colors matched my current transmog so I made it my regular flying mount, until a couple days later when I finally got my Swift Gloomhoof. That one checks all the boxes, it's the right shade, it's a unicorn, it flies. If it had a mounting animation like Sinrunner Blanchy that would make it the perfect mount.

And this happened:

I don't think Draka really knew at first, I think she just figured it out because Rocksy kept looking at them both and crying the whole time. I wish goblins had a /silentlysob in addition to their regular /cry, so it could at least be a little bit more dignified when called for.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Shadows Gather

SQUAWK. I just thought this picture was cool. I noticed the chains are still there on Korthia, so I decided to see how far up them you can go. There's an invisible wall eventually, but it'll at least be a handy place for goblin glider jumps.