Friday, April 29, 2022


 I've been trying to do Zereth Mortis stuff, but I still spend most of my time working on my Venthyr covenant crap. I really thought getting exalted with The Avowed would take no time when I joined Revendreth. I didn't realize that I would be accusing Inquisitors and absolving souls for all eternity.

But the worst part of this covenant is the Ember Court. I don't think I'll ever figure it out completely, and even if I did, it wouldn't work properly. The minigame where you kill bugs or capture bugs had a helpful special action button for swatting them, except that it didn't actually do anything. Capturing them worked, but I had selected a guest list that preferred a "messy" atmosphere. Then there's the dredger waiter minigame:

The first time I tried this one, the "serve drink" and "serve food" never activated and the only things I could do were: run fast, punch guests, or eat a cupcake to heal myself. Strangely, punching my guests didn't seem to increase their happiness levels, even if I asked them politely, "Would you care for punch? *winding up arm*". You really never can win with some people. 

I'm not sure if there was a buff to reputation gains in the last couple weeks, because after crawling along through Neutral and Friendly I'm now sitting at Revered, although this week's Ember Court didn't advance me very far in that, so we'll see how long this takes. Maybe I'll get bored and finish The Avowed rep before the Ember Court weekly comes around again. If I ever get done with the Venthyr I'd like to try Night Fae, since I may never get around to playing my poor Druid again. Rocksy already looks the part (and sounds the part, with her macroed flute/hearthstone) so she may as well earn the rest of the outfits. But I do really miss Necrolords and eventually will probably return to the tomb. Maybe I'll manage to catch up on Zereth Mortis before there be dragons.