Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Night Fae Musings

Maybe the Real Treasure...

Nah. I do want Gus' crittershape to add to my collection, it's even cuter than the Corgi. My whirlwind tour of the covenants came to a grinding (ha!) halt recently and I'm now trying to fit it all into the weekends. I hope I can get done with Night Fae before the next expansion. 

I did find out that if you soulshape just prior to taking this quest you get a moment to enjoy the sight of a Brontofly. Or Butterosaurus. I should have gone with Alpacafly. 

I also got this handsome fellow, and realized that he's a Luck Dragon..
Which gives me more chores to do, collecting the different colors. So, so lucky. 
I did find the time to do some things for Bwonsamdi. His quests were annoying, especially as an engineer. Every time I'd conjure up a wormhole, he'd have some portal ten yards away (or halfway across Ardenweald) that you had to use to get the quest objective to show up. And the lighting in the Necropolis was nil. It's embarrassing how many times I walked off the edge here. Even for me. I was even more "i HaVe nO idEa WhAT iM dOInG" than I usually am. Perpetual noob.