The day the Alpha changed to Beta, I finally got in. I haven't been really excited about the expansion, but I am interested in how it's going to feel playing my Shaman. I probably should have made a Goblin to test (so I could at least put Rocket Jump on my Gust of Wind button) but I went ahead and made a Mag'har orc since I hadn't seen them yet. I thought my name was clever (like a Mag'har Martha) but I've since realized it sounds a lot like Magatha, and I'm not sure that I care for the association.
It took me forever to get my bars into a playable configuration without bartender, using keybinds and a helpful screen loading tip about the extra action bars in the interface menu, so I was finally able to approximate my Goblin's setup, but I'm not sure I was able to glean any useful information about the play style in BfA. It feels clunky and slow, and I am not a numbers person so I don't know the difference between my Goblin's stats and my Beta Orc's stats, all I know is my Goblin feels fast and powerful whereas using the same basic rotation on my Beta Orc felt like "Laaaaaava Buuuuurst, Laaaaaava Buuuuurst, Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiightniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing Boooooooooooooolt." I definitely don't care for Ascendance being on the same talent tier as Stormkeeper. It's just a weird place to put them, they have completely different utilities, I don't know why Blizzard felt like we should choose between them? Ascendance is my hard hitting spell for a big bad, or big burst of damage during a boss fight spell, and Stormkeeper is one I generally use on cooldown, three fast hits of lightning bolt when I get the extra maelstrom proc or three instant chain lightnings to burn down a group of enemies. I feel like I'm going to be switching back and forth between questing and raids/dungeons, and I don't really like to do that. Maybe that's what I'm supposed to do, but it felt like Blizzard was trying to discourage that when they made talents only changeable in cities instead of everywhere, so I don't know.
I haven't done much on the Beta otherwise, but I did run The Battle For The Undercity. It felt pretty unfinished, with a couple of Thrall vs. Deathwing cinematics and lacking voiceovers in parts. I don't know if I wasn't keeping up with Sylvanas at the end well enough (probably because I kept turning around to fire Lava Burst procs) but I ended up just outside of the room the NPCs ran to with a permanent Disoriented debuff keeping me from running any farther. I had to exit the instance to get out of it, and then had to restart the game after a /reload didn't restore my ability to move.
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