Monday, October 29, 2018

What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been

Seven Years. Seven long years since the first time I killed the Headless Horseman day after day during my first year of the holiday, fully expecting the mount to drop. My brother, you see, told me that he thought Blizzard must have increased the drop rate, because he had gotten the mount drop FOUR TIMES the previous Hallow's End. I felt unlucky after that first year when it didn't drop, but I still expected that my luck would turn in each subsequent year.
When I made a Warlock alt, I was disappointed that the awesome-looking Dreadsteed mount didn't fly. Then I really, REALLY wanted the Headless Horseman's mount to drop. Eventually, the class mounts came and I finally got my flying, glowy horse. It was close enough and I was somewhat mollified. This is the first year that I almost (but not completely) didn't give a crap about the Headless Hrseman. Almost. I would still /rude and /spit on his corpse after I opened my loot box each day, and ran it daily on my characters high enough to get the mount drop.
And then it finally happened.
I felt numb, cursed a little bit in all caps in chat, and got disconnected. Luckily the mount was still in my bags when I got logged back on, but it did take me a heart-stopping moment to realize that it was called "The Horseman's Reins" instead of "Headless Horseman's Reins". That was fun. Well played, RNG, well played.

1 comment:

  1. Truly felt congratulations from me and many other friends! Grats indeed Ezrian!
