Wednesday, September 4, 2019


I started Classic WoW knowing that it would be old and new to me. Old, since I've been playing for 8+ years, and new because I started playing in Cataclysm and had never seen Vanilla. I expected to be surprised by the way things looked, familiar yet different, and by some UI changes. I was around for a lot of the big changes: character-wide mounts and pets, transmog, the wardrobe, faction-tagging mobs, etc., so I figured it would be more nostalgic than drastic differences. For the most part, it is as I thought it would be, but I have been delighted by all of the minor differences that I hadn't known about, like the scrawling of the quest text as it appears and waiting until the text all appears before the
"Accept" quest button is interactable. But the thing that really made me laugh was when I opened my map:
...and realized that full-size was the only option. I didn't even realize I was taking that little arrow in the corner for granted! Besides turning on Auto-loot (available in Classic, thank goodness!), resizing my map was one of the first things I always do on a new character, I feel claustrophobic when the map is full-size and I can't see where I'm going (because, of course I'm running with the map open). Classic is a hoot so far and I haven't even reached level 2 yet. I'm not really eager to really level a character and see how weapon leveling works, among other surprises, but it is fun to see and I'm glad they brought it back. I didn't stay up late enough to see the night sky in Orgrimmar, but I did catch the sunset and my brother was right, the Drag is amazingly dark.

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