Monday, July 27, 2020

Ivory Cloud Serpent Pink Pain-in-the-Neck

I mean, I like that it's pink. But, holy shit, is this mount ever not worth the trouble. I should have kept better track of the amount of time I wasted on it, but at least after the last mogu invasion ended, followed by several days of Black Empire assaults and Mantid invasions, I thankfully was able to get it this cycle instead of waiting days just to sit around and wait for hours.

This is a screenshot from a group I was in last night. No, it doesn't get that dark in Pandaria at night, but I used an Inky Black Potion to see if the Ivory Cloud Serpent would show up better against this background. "Does it?" I don't know! I waited below the worm's range, planning to join the others when the serpent spawned, but I saw them yelling in chat during one of my breaks from spamming the macro, and I never even saw it! Haha, so fun. By the time I joined them (within seconds, as I didn't have any worm debuff) it was already gone and they were congratulating each other on their new mount.
Today I had a different strategy: stay in the group gathering worm stench, keep spamming the macro, and just hope the spawn point is within range of someone in the party.

Incidentally, I never did see the worm this time, either. My addon announced it, I clicked the macro and waited for it to channel, noticed it wasn't channeling and panicked, then saw the mount was already in my bags. I'm guessing someone else lassoed it and everyone in the party got it? I don't know. I'm still kind of mystified by the whole thing. This guide linked on Wowhead was useful, but I do definitely recommend joining a group. I've been in groups twice now where most* people got the mount.

*Wah, wah, wah.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Hey, Ivory Cloud Serpent*

 Spawn right here for me,
Worm stench is stacked, there's no way I'll catch up to you,
 Hey, Ivory Cloud Serpent, won't you spawn for me,
When the Mogu are invading, I'll be waiting for you

Just let me get close to you, within the lasso's range,
Don't let your spawn point change,
My patience soon will wane,
It's driving me insane,
I don't know why I want this mount I'll never use.

I wish the lasso hadn't dropped, 
this chore's not a "reward".
But I'll do it 'cause I'm bored,
And it frees one bag space more, 
I want this to be over with.

Hey, Ivory Cloud Serpent, c'mon and spawn for me,
When the Mogu are invading, I'll be waiting for you.

*Not pictured. Obviously. But isn't this Great Worm From Beyond with a freaking ivory stripe down the side just a punch in the gut?

If you need the tune: Mr. Tambourine Man, Bob Dylan