Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Just Horsing Around


Since I realized the assault mounts work as a vehicle and you can stay costumed while mounted, I've been trying a different one out each time I head to the questing area. And sometimes while questing.

It's the little things. And the slightly bigger things. Pretty much all the things.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Everyone's a Critic

"I can see why."

I have done all of the assaults now multiple times and didn't realize there were achievements to be completed for each one. Winslow Swan was the last champion I needed to accompany me during the "You and What Army" quest, and he is definitely my favorite. I love that his song causes enemies to walk away, stunned.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

You Left the Carnies, Didn't You?


Just picking up the herbalism quest at the Darkmoon Faire and noticed that the injured carnies are still hanging out, injured, and you can't heal them or bandage them up since First Aid has been removed as a profession. It's a little bit depressing. Hopefully they get patched (up) soon.

Monday, November 29, 2021


That's the call of the yeti, leading the Necrolords' charge into Perdition Hold. He has resting roar face.



I don't know what this Sinrunner did in his past life that was so terrible, but I think this trip just wiped his slate clean.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Spirits Be With You


It's boring waiting for Tahonta, so I was trying out some more mounts with the Ashen Liniment. It turns out Spirit of Eche'ro looks way ghostlier when splattered with black goop. Especially in the dark. Full light it showed a bit more, especially against the ground

I still prefer Tyrael's Charger, especially today while cosplaying the Angel of Death while defending Bastion. I fit in so well with The Ascended, they probably didn't even notice I was a Necrolord.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Throwing Down the Gauntlet(s)

 I've been trying to figure out what ability this is for awhile now, when it was just one or two of my fist weapons that I'd notice trotting up to me after killing something. I combed through my combat log, looking for some ability named "Idle Hands" or "Handy Helpers" or "Fists of Fury" (okay, that one's a Monk spell) or "Grappling Gauntlets" (okay, that's a pet drop) or even "Gloves Are Off" (okay, that's enough). Near as I can figure, it's a soulbind spell called Serrated Spaulders*, which doesn't even make sense, because spaulders are shoulders not gloves, so IDK. Although I would love to see my Sprite Darter wings dancing around enemies. 

The best part is that in Torghast, I use Stormkeeper a lot, and I noticed that hitting a group of vases with Chain Lightning makes a bunch of fist weapons appear, which is just delightful. I hope next time I get the "Stormkeeper every 15 seconds" power. It reminds me a lot of running Icecrown with Nibelung.

I also took some time to get my new mount for non-flyable areas from playing Hearthstone. I spent a ridiculous amount of time today running around Korthia on this guy trying to get in front of someone on the Sunwarmed Furline mount so I could get a screenshot of my mount in mortal peril, but I didn't bother to explain why I was chasing them and they wisely avoided me by porting to Oribos. So this will have to do.

*EDIT:  It's actually Mneumonic Equipment! Another soulbind. That makes much more sense now.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Keep Me Searching for a Heart of Gold

♫And I'm getting old♫

Pureheart Courser

Okay, so it doesn't seem like that long ago that I started trying to get to 100 exalted reputations so that I could get this beautiful boy, but it sure feels like it. And surprisingly, my post about trying to get this mount was one year ago today!

I've been working on The Avowed rep grind, but I didn't realize getting to Tier 6 with The Archivists' Codex would count as an exalted rep, so I was super happy when this happened. 

I was so excited to get the 100th exalted rep that I forgot to take a screenshot with the mount I got right beforehand, this good girl:

Maelie the Wanderer
I'm really going to have to put the stables back up at my garrison so I can check in more often with my favorite mounts. I had run into Maelie a couple of times randomly while questing in Korthia, but eventually I found out that the comments on her Wowhead page list where she is or if she can be found each day, so I'd been checking impatiently for the last few days to finally get her.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Not Yet

The Ashen Liniment I picked up in Korthia makes Tyrael's Charger look like the Angel of Death. I tried out several mounts with the buff, but this was my favorite.
Also, the drop rate for the Bonehoof Tauralus is even worse than I thought. I have Neena with me daily and I even remember (most of the time) to have her loot for me instead of throwing my loot-a-rang. But I'm still pretty sure I'm never going to get that mount that I don't even want for any reason other than:

  1. It's close by
  2. I leveled my Abomination Factory
  3. I collected Neena

And even if the mount isn't worth the amount of work required to get it, at least it will be something in return for the hassle.  It does give me a chance to try out toys and clean out my bags while I'm just standing around, though.

Monday, October 18, 2021

When Pigs Fly

 Somehow, in the commotion of pre-Shadowlands-flying, I forgot about a new toy I found in Korthia, the Forgotten Feather. I guess now I know how it came to be forgotten. 

Flying pets are just a novelty picture prop when you can't fly

Anyway, I tried it out again and it works better than the Magical Saucer did when I used it last (I'll have to try it again to see if they fixed it). The wings don't disappear when you port somewhere else or use wormholes (although my pet did drop them when we went into the Maw). But even if they DO disappear, they only have a 10 second cooldown, so you can run through a bunch of pets to decide which one looks best with wings, and put them back on easily if they fall off during the Maw descent. 

Apparently "Princess" is bad language and wasn't allowed in pet names.

I was excited for my Spirited Skyfoal to finally get the wings she so desperately needed, but they don't fit all pets the same, and it can be a challenge to line them up in pictures so they look somewhat attached. I think Blizzard should have tailored them to one model of companion pet that they worked with, like Perky Pug costumes, but kept in the toy box.

"Don't ask me, I don't get it, either. But they work somehow, so I just wouldn't question it."

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Neena Neena Boo-Boo

 As annoying as the abomination factory quests often are, I do generally enjoy collecting new costume pieces for them, and they are sometimes even helpful. To get one of the mounts from a rare, you have to have Neena with you, so I try to keep her with me at all times, as the drop rate is abysmally low, even when you have the correct construct present and kill the rare every day. I wish rarity kept track of my kills on that one, I would like to know how much time I've wasted on it.

I like Neena, though, she has a knockback that is often useful (although I have to keep twisting around while casting so it doesn't get interrupted) and the snorting pig sound she makes is delightful. 13/10, would pet if I could. 

When I did a calling in Revendreth the other day, I didn't pay much attention until I got there and noticed my trainee must also be Neena, because I had two of them with me! It was a lot of fun, and made me realize I should probably play my hunter sometime.

Friday, September 17, 2021



Haha. 'Cause he's a battle pet, get it? I can't remember if I already posted a shot of this costume when I first got it, but I got one again during Bastion's recent assault and had to take a picture. Also because I like the lighting in front of the Oribos bank teller. And I love Rocksy's *really??* expression. Anyway, pugs are cute and all, but...

THIS guy, Fodder, my battle pet drop from a Necrolord assault, accompanied me on a leveling trip in Draenor, and not only does he mount up on a ground mount with me..

He even has a flying mount! I immediately checked and Rook does not. :( But at least I can bring Fodder along with me!

Friday, August 20, 2021

A Rook and Two Knights

 I was excited when I got lucky on my first Ve'nari paragon chest with a mount and a pet, but then I mounted up and realized I actually got TWO mounts, because Rook mounts up on a little mawrat! It is so adorable, I was way more excited about the pet than the mount, which doesn't fly even through it has ghostly legs. Maybe they'll fix that, like they did on Blanchy. But I'm still pleased as punch about Rook, either way.

Sunday, August 8, 2021


 FINALLY. And when I added it to my collection, I noticed I had a Stylish Black Parasol already that does the same exact thing. Oh, well, at least I have it in purple now.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

It's Not Self-Effacing Day

Today's the day we race.

This is the song I have in my head all day every time this quest is available. From the first time I ran it, I hated this quest. Such a pain. But then I found out I couldn't buy the wheelbarrow toy until I won it ten times. I thought I could just run it ten times in a row, but once you do the world quest, you're done for the day. Then days would go by without any Racing in the Ramparts, but finally, FINALLY, I've got the toy. Now for that damned parasol.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021


 That's what I would rename my new Sapphire Skyblazer mount, if I could rename mounts. I love its mount special animation, and the colors matched my current transmog so I made it my regular flying mount, until a couple days later when I finally got my Swift Gloomhoof. That one checks all the boxes, it's the right shade, it's a unicorn, it flies. If it had a mounting animation like Sinrunner Blanchy that would make it the perfect mount.

And this happened:

I don't think Draka really knew at first, I think she just figured it out because Rocksy kept looking at them both and crying the whole time. I wish goblins had a /silentlysob in addition to their regular /cry, so it could at least be a little bit more dignified when called for.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Shadows Gather

SQUAWK. I just thought this picture was cool. I noticed the chains are still there on Korthia, so I decided to see how far up them you can go. There's an invisible wall eventually, but it'll at least be a handy place for goblin glider jumps.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Fractured Scary Tales

 So, I don't know why I felt a little jumpy today running Fractured Halls. I though maybe it was because I got the "Stormkeeper every 15 seconds" power right off the bat, and I have a bad habit of frantically searching for an enemy to hit when a spell procs, so I spent a lot of the time playing whack-a-spell, especially since I have the boots that proc Lava Burst every time I hit Earth Shock, and Earth Shock procs super fast when I'm casting instant Chain Lightnings every 15 seconds. But then I also had to stop for pictures every time I noticed a creepy bit of decor, like this:

What even IS this? It's small, I probably should have gotten a picture of my Goblin beside it for scale, but she's definitely taller, I'd say it's companion pet sized. Is it a cell for some kind of pet that glows like it's exploding? I ignored a good many Stormkeeper procs to try to figure out what this was, and if there was anything I could rescue out of it or loot. So that was weird. Then there were the more typical skeletons lying around, but because everything seemed eerie I had to get pictures:

I saw another puddle of blood after this one that had something hanging above and dripping into it. Apparently I missed getting a picture of it, though, which made sense because when you stand around too long an enemy spawns on top of you; which actually worked well for me this time, since I always had a Stormkeeper proc ready to go.

Then there were the bodies/body parts hanging everywhere:

By the end of the run I was taking a closer look at everything, even this guy:

I had no idea Mawrats looked like this up close, but now I've looked it up and found out you can get Mawrat pets in various colors. So that will be a fun grind* for the next expansion(s). 

*Looking at you, Shadowclaw, Geomancer Flintdagger, Beastrider Kama, Skullripper, Knight Captain Aldrin, and Will of N'Zoth.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Who Knew?


If someone said three years from now
I'd be long gone,
I'd stand up and punch them out,
'Cause they're all wrong.
Thought I knew better
'Cause I said forever
And ever

Thursday, April 29, 2021


 I adore her. I had named her even before she was available and checked to see if the goal was met every time I opened the launcher. 

The Sprite Darter Wings kind of block her on my Night Elf Druid, but they work perfectly on Rocksy.

It's okay, Pepe. I don't get it, either, but it doesn't matter, it just works.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

"OMG..For Real??? 'Cause...

Hey, I Just Met You...

..two floors before now. I'm kinda busy...and I hate your aura, pal." 

EDIT:  Stupid song is stuck in my head now and I have to finish this (from the beginning):
"I want this run to be through, 'cause I've got quests left to do,
A couple pet battles, too. Hey, you're in my way!
Just want to get some good spells, so that this run won't be hell,
Give me an anima cell, and I'll be on my way.
'kay? I guess you like me? I'm..really busy fighting..
Here, have some chain lightning,
*Sigh* I should be finished with this.
<Hey, I just met you..two floors before now. 
I'm kinda busy, and I hate your aura, pal.>
It's hard to focus..keeps switching to you
So I'll just cast hex, then clear the last few.

link to song for reference:

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Clever Girl


She Can Dance if She Wants To

 I haven't been keeping up with the Shadowlands chores very well, but I managed to get partway through Torghast recently before I had to step away for a moment. I typed /dance as I went AFK and was shocked to see my Ghost Raptor had learned a new trick! After looking it up, I found that raptors had learned to dance in BfA, but it took me until now to notice. I'm proud of my raptor, but disappointed in myself for the long lapse in impromptu dancing.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Fun With Necromancy

I really wanted to joint the Revendreth covenant for several reasons:

  1. Their accent makes it sound like they are calling me "Mall Walker"
  2. The Dredgers say things like "Can I have your teeth when you die?"
  3. I enjoyed a lot of the questing there so far, like the tea party with Tubbins and Gubbins, and forging the "Letter of Condemnation"

 But in the end I chose the Necrolords for the Primordial Wave Shaman spell. I'm sure it will be fun, too (I'm particularly excited to try out the Abomination Factory), and I will still spend time with the Venthyr whenever I get the chance.


Questing to get to max level took me forever, so maybe that's why I seemed to enjoy the quests at the end the most, but I did like this Night Fae quest that had my character fly around doing the swimming animation while holding her breath like she was underwater:

♫Just keep swimming♫