Monday, November 15, 2021

Throwing Down the Gauntlet(s)

 I've been trying to figure out what ability this is for awhile now, when it was just one or two of my fist weapons that I'd notice trotting up to me after killing something. I combed through my combat log, looking for some ability named "Idle Hands" or "Handy Helpers" or "Fists of Fury" (okay, that one's a Monk spell) or "Grappling Gauntlets" (okay, that's a pet drop) or even "Gloves Are Off" (okay, that's enough). Near as I can figure, it's a soulbind spell called Serrated Spaulders*, which doesn't even make sense, because spaulders are shoulders not gloves, so IDK. Although I would love to see my Sprite Darter wings dancing around enemies. 

The best part is that in Torghast, I use Stormkeeper a lot, and I noticed that hitting a group of vases with Chain Lightning makes a bunch of fist weapons appear, which is just delightful. I hope next time I get the "Stormkeeper every 15 seconds" power. It reminds me a lot of running Icecrown with Nibelung.

I also took some time to get my new mount for non-flyable areas from playing Hearthstone. I spent a ridiculous amount of time today running around Korthia on this guy trying to get in front of someone on the Sunwarmed Furline mount so I could get a screenshot of my mount in mortal peril, but I didn't bother to explain why I was chasing them and they wisely avoided me by porting to Oribos. So this will have to do.

*EDIT:  It's actually Mneumonic Equipment! Another soulbind. That makes much more sense now.

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