Friday, June 17, 2022

Noble Creatures of Ardenweald

I forgot how much I love that ridiculous Alpaca hop. So far it's the only soulshape where I've noticed my weapon still hanging on. When my brother mentioned that I'd like collecting the soulshapes if I tried out Night Fae, I didn't realize there were so many different ones, and it's absolutely the best part of this covenant. (I guess I should upgrade everything before I can say that definitively.)
But..dinos. So I'm pretty confident that I will still feel that way at the end. Also, when Shadowlands is over, I hope we get access to all of the covenants we joined. Flying across Revendreth when you're not Venthyr and can't use the mirrors is the worst thing ever (note: I haven't tried Bastion's covenant and probably won't, but it would no doubt be worse having/losing access to whatever their transportation is since flying across Bastion sucks so much already.)

Then there's this guy. If I have to use my crittershape in rested areas*, at least I can turn into this goof. I got the bee first, but the legs of bees are too spidery up close, and even though it made a funny buzz when I took fall damage, I finally had to look for something else. At least it gives me something fun to look up while I'm googling maps to find my way around this treehouse.

*My brother explained how to actually read all the options in tl;dr textboxes, so now I can be an alpaca full-time!

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Checking in to let you know people read this, and we miss you. Hope you are well.
